Image of a gift being regifted instead of TO Amy, FROM Amy

Debate photos courtesy of families; (all other images)

Is It OK to Regift?

The holiday season is here! For many people, it’s time to get excited about the gifts they might soon be opening. But what happens when you get a present you don’t like or one that you already own? Some people say there’s a simple solution: regifting, or giving that present to someone else. In fact, in a 2022 poll, more than half the people surveyed said they would either regift or donate unwanted holiday presents. 

People who regift argue that it’s better to give away presents they won’t use than to let them gather dust in a closet. As long as the item is unused or in good condition, they say, why not give it to someone who would actually use and appreciate it? 

But other people think regifting is rude. They argue that a recycled gift is not as meaningful as one chosen specially for someone. They point out that it doesn’t take much thought to rewrap something you have lying around your house.

Here’s what two of our readers think.

Last year, my grandma bought me a Play-Doh ice cream truck. It was a nice present, but I wouldn’t have played with it because it’s for younger kids. We gave the playset to a younger neighbor, who really liked it. I enjoyed seeing the joy on her face when she opened the box. 

Also, regifting can help people save time and money since they won’t have to shop for a new gift. And regifting can prevent unwanted toys from ending up in landfills.

Regifting can be insulting and hurtful to the person who gave the gift to you. After all, they took the time and effort to pick out the item to show how much they care about you.

Plus, if you just give away your unwanted items, you’re not being a thoughtful gift giver. And if someone finds out you gave them a regifted item instead of a new one, they might feel like you tricked them and get mad. It’s not worth the risk of losing a friend.

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